Get Jacked! 8-week muscle & strength building program (1/2)

This program is focused on building muscle and strength. It comprises of 32 training sessions over 8 weeks. This first 4 weeks can be seen downloaded through the links below. Stay posted for the next 4.

If the program is followed as written, all muscle groups will be hit 2-4x per week at undulating volume and intensity which has shown to be most beneficial for both mass & strength gains. These first 4 weeks of the 8-week program are biased towards posterior chain & upper body pushing. Both are overloaded in volume & intensity throughout this first cycle. W.r.t. anterior chain & pulling, these are just overloaded in terms of intensity. After 3 weeks of increasing volume and load, week 4 is a deload in which both will be dropped slightly in order to give the body a chance to recover before we dive into the next cycle.

Download the interactive template from Google Drive by clicking on this link.

Or click the button below to download the program in PDF


Get Jacked! 8-week muscle & strength building program (Part 2/2)


Engine building program